This magazine is registered under the office of Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI Registration Number: UPBIL/2022/83068).
The purpose of this International level bilingual (Hindi/English) quarterly magazine publication is to provide information about Spirituality, Sanatana Vedic culture, Ayurveda, Astrology, Vastu Shastra, Festivals, Auspicious Times, Gems and Rudraksha along with to publish a collection of other socially beneficial articles.
Apart from the above, our aim is to promote and broadcast its objectives by providing information about the activities of “Antarrashtriya Sanatan Dharma Parishad Nyas” & “Rashtriya Jyotish Evam Rudraksh Anusandhan Sansthan - RJRAS” Trust and all its associated organisations.
For publication in this magazine, articles of life members of “Rashtriya Jyotish Evam Rudraksh Anusandhan Sansthan - RJRAS” Trust and its associated organisations are selected on priority basis.
First week of January, April, July and October